About Me

Tuesday, October 20, 2015 0 Comments A+ a-

Hi there! I'm Sam, and this is my blog, Wonder + Whisk.

I'm a 25-year-old Florida native and recent Colorado transplant. Two years ago, my boyfriend and I realized that we needed a change of scenery, so we packed as much as we could fit into his tiny Volkswagen, gave the rest of our stuff to our friends, and drove until we reached the mountains. Now, we're creating a life for ourselves in Colorado - making friends (and lots of memories!) as we explore our new home.

This blog is a reflection of the things that bring me happiness - baking, crafting, exploring new places, and simply observing the world around me. You'll find tasty recipes, fun (and easy!) crafts and DIY projects to tackle, recaps of my adventures, and other good stuff - so stick around!